Tuesday, July 1, 2014


My first post on my MBA journey .

A little background about me -  I am 31 years old, full time mommy to an amazing 1 year old,  a B.E. degree holder with ~8 year work experience and currently living in Bangalore.

There. That summed up my life quite succinctly, wouldn't you say?

Well, that's me on paper, but definitely doesn't capture the essence of me. The one and only me. Maybe as I write this blog, I will see what exactly defines me and shows the true me.

So, then how this journey start? For the life of me, I can't recollect how I decided to do an MBA. It must have been right after my BE when I started preparing for GATE and I realised that I didn't want to do anymore Signals and Systems or Digital Signal Processing. Looking at those huge tomes of equations and endless theory, even though I found it fascinating, I must have concluded that it wasn't my cup of tea.
I did what any dutiful fresh passout would do. I joined a CAT course while job hunting in parallel. BAD move.
As soon as I landed a good job (with the TATA group, that is a good job)  the MBA path faded away without so much as a " Koi Bachao !"
I got busy coding - Web Pages, Java, Databases and all that jazz. Follow it up with a couple of stints onsite, getting married and now becoming mommy. After all these years, I suddenly realised, I still want to do my MBA. Call it an unfulfilled dream, call it a reason to be focused and try for something after all this time, call it hesitancy about getting back into IT, call it anything - reason unknown, but the wish stands.
And what better way to commit to something than to document it everyday ! This blog here will stand testament to my MBA journey.

Welcome aboard and hang on tight, the adventures are just beginning !

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